Person tools
Tools for tagged Person
Encyclopedia of human knowledge written collaboratively by contributors around the world
Google Maps Find businesses
Yahoo Email Search
Give Yahoo's email address search tool someone's name, and get a list of email addresses.
Yahoo People Search (US)
Search the profiles of professionals around the world. People list themselves on LinkedIn and create their own professional profile including their current and past companies and job titles, city, industry, and their education.
WhitePages Address to Name & Phone
Look up whose name and telephone number is associated with a street address in the United States or Canada, a 'reverse address lookup'
WhitePages Look up person's address and telephone
Look up a person's street address and their telephone number.
Good for people in the United States and Canada.
WhitePages Reverse Area Code Lookup
WhitePages Reverse Phone Number
WhitePages Reverse ZIP or Postal Code Lookup
WhitePages Telephone Area Code Lookup
WhitePages ZIP Code / Postal Code Lookup
Enter a question or calculation and Wolfram|Alpha uses its built-in algorithms and data to get the answer. A huge set of information and tons of models, methods, and algorithms that make it possible to compute whatever can be computed about anything
Spokeo People Finder by Name
Spokeo is a people search engine that organizes White Pages listings, Public Records and Social Network Information to help you safely find & learn about people.
YellowPagesCa (Canada)
Canada411 People Search (Canada)
ZabaSearch USA Person Search
Instant Criminal Background Check
Find out if someone has any secrets in their past – Run a background check to get a report that could show if they have been found guilty of a misdemeanor or felony crime or have a criminal record. Find out if it's their real name or if they gave you an alias or aka. Check on their court judgements and if they've ever filed bankruptcy. Locate property they're the owner of and the addresses t…
Wink People Search
Free people search - find people on social networks and across the Web. Find people using name search, location, school, work, interests, and more.