Look up a domain in DNS
Query the Domain Name System (DNS) to translate a domain name into an IP address
DomainTools Whois
Find out about a domain, including who owns it and their contact information, what server software it runs, usage ranking among many other useful information bits
Robtex Domain/IP Lookup
Get detailed information about an Internet host. Enter an IP address (, domain name (google.com), hostname (py-in-f99.google.com), or AS-number (AS15169) to get detailed dns information including reverse dns and forwards, whois information, who hosts the machine, and if it's listed in any RBLs (black lists).
Enter a question or calculation and Wolfram|Alpha uses its built-in algorithms and data to get the answer. A huge set of information and tons of models, methods, and algorithms that make it possible to compute whatever can be computed about anything
Geektools Dig DNS
Query DNS domain name servers for information about host addresses, mail exchanges, name servers, and related information