Tool Collections

Collections are groups of related tools


Use the best tools to search for images and pictures of anything, and photos of anywhere or anyone


Query the Domain Name System (DNS) to translate a domain name into an IP address

IP Address

Find out who an IP address belongs to, convert IP address to DNS hostname, find the location of an IPv4 or IPv6 address on a map. Includes unix tools like ping, traceroute, nslookup, dig and others


Send a packet to a host on the Internet and see if it answers back


Language reference: Look up the words that are related – that have the same meaning (synonyms), or the opposite meaning (antonyms) or are pronounced similarly


Find out how popular a topic, company, country, city, product or meme is, and compare it with others


Search the communication stream of the Real-Time Web. Dig into up-to-the-minute alerts, blog posts and tweets as well as traditional news. The rise of the Real-Time Web is one of the most important trends changing the way the Internet works.


Translate words, texts and web pages from one language to another: Mandarin Chinese, English, Spanish, Hindi, Russian, Arabic, Portuguese, French (+42 more)


Watch videos about anything. Download TV shows, documentarties about anything, funny viral clips, movie trailers and even some full movies

Web Sites

Get information about any web site, like how popular it is

Financial Markets

Get news, data and charts on stocks, mutual funds, and public & private companies


Get the latest news on any subject from around the world


Tools for timing time

Word Games

Solve word games like crossword puzzles or find all the words that can be made from a set of letters, as in SCRABBLE games


See how much one currency is worth in another country's currency with these foreign exchange (forex) tools that show current or historical exchange rates